Lab 2: Command Line Basics, Filesystem Navigation, and Package Management


In this lab you will perform the following tasks:

  • Familiarize yourself with the Linux filesystem hierarchy

  • Downloading a compressed file

  • Creating files and directories

  • Copying and moving files

  • Creating and Extracting "tarball" files

  • Removing files and directories

  • Performing administrative tasks to software packages

You will be introduced to the following commands:

  • cd

  • cp

  • ls

  • man

  • mkdir

  • mv

  • pwd

  • rm

  • rmdir

  • tar

  • touch

  • wget


  1. Ensure your Linux server virtual machine is powered on in Netlab

    At the end of the last lab you were instructed to shut down your virtual machine. Beginning in this lab you can just leave your Linux server powered on and running at the end of each lab. This means you in the future you can just connect via an SSH remote terminal over the VPN which will save you from having to login to Netlab at all unless you are using the Windows Administrative PC through Netlab instead of using your own computer, for one lab where we will be working with a Linux GUI, or if something unusual happens during a lab that disconnects your server’s network connection.
    1. Login to the ITC NetLab website using your previously established username and password.

    2. Click the blue "New Lab Reservation" button and schedule a lab reservation for this course right now.

    3. If you have a currently active reservation you will see a green "Enter Lab" button on your list of reservations. Click the green "Enter Lab" button. If not, you will need to make a reservation (see above) and then click the "Enter Lab" button.

    4. Your virtual machines (VMs) will automatically power on when your reservation begins.

  2. Make sure you have the current IP address of your Linux system

    1. If your Linux VM has been powered off for some time since you checked the IP address in a previous lab you may have received a new IP address, so be sure to check your current IP address on the ens192 interface using the local console in Netlab again just like in the previous lab.

  3. Power off the Windows Administrative PC and the Linux Desktop virtual machines in Netlab unless you know you will be using the Windows Administrative PC.

  4. End your Netlab Reservation unless you know you will be using it to access the Windows Administrative PC.

  5. Open an SSH remote terminal session to your Linux server’s IP address

    1. Connect to ITCnet from the computer you will be using as your administrative PC. In most cases this means connecting to the ITC Student VPN (unless you are using the Netlab Windows Administrative PC).

    2. Run the PuTTY software on your computer (or the Windows Administrative PC) and enter in the IP address of your Linux server VM in the "Host Name" box and click the "Open" button.

      Remember that if you do not have a Windows computer to connect from you can either figure out how to SSH from your own computer over the VPN to your Linux server or you can use the Windows Administrative PC that is provided for you in Netlab.
      Entering the IP in PuTTY
  6. Login with your standard user’s username and password

    1. Remember that just like using the local console to login to your server it is normal that nothing will appear when you are typing in your password. Just continue typing it and press enter when you have entered it to login.

The Linux Filesystem and Basic Navigation

It is important to know where various things are stored on Linux systems as well as how to get to them. Like most modern operating systems Linux uses a hierarchical filesystem where files are stored in directories and those directories can be stored in other directories and so on in order to organize information. It should be noted that it is common to refer to directories as "folders" because this is how they are most frequently visualized in graphical user interfaces. Directories and folders are functionally the same thing but the correct terminology, at least on Linux, is to call them directories.

One difference in Linux (and other UNIX-like operating systems) is there is a concept of a root directory. The root directory is represented by a single forward-slash / character. All files, other directories, and even many hardware devices and kernel settings are located within this root directory.

There are also no "drive letters" in Linux (or other UNIX-like operating systems) in the way there are in Windows. Instead disk drives and partitions are assigned an identifier which falls underneath the root directory like /dev/sda1. These storage devices can then be mapped (called mounting) to some "directory" (technically called a mount point) within the filesystem hierarchy and all files and directories stored under that mount point are physically stored on that device. One storage device is mounted to the root of the filesystem hierarchy / which serves to catch all the files and directories stored anywhere that is not under some other mount point. We’ll explore storage devices, partitions, and mounts in much more detail later in the course but for now it is useful background on how the Linux filesystem hierarchy is used.

  1. Read the manual page for the file-hierarchy

    1. Linux has a built in system of manual pages which contain important and useful information about the operating system as well as most software and commands installed on the system. These pages are accessed by running the man <command> command where <command> is replaced by the command or manual page name you want more information on.

    2. Run the man file-hierarchy command to open the manual page explaining the filesystem hierarchy. The beginning of it looks something like this:

      ben@2480-Z:~$ man file-hierarchy
      FILE-HIERARCHY(7)               file-hierarchy               FILE-HIERARCHY(7)
             file-hierarchy - File system hierarchy overview
             Operating systems using the systemd(1) system and service manager are
             organized based on a file system hierarchy inspired by UNIX, more
             specifically the hierarchy described in the File System Hierarchy[1]
             specification and hier(7), with various extensions, partially
             documented in the XDG Base Directory Specification[2] and XDG User
             Directories[3]. This manual page describes a more generalized, though
             minimal and modernized subset of these specifications that defines more
             strictly the suggestions and restrictions systemd makes on the file
             system hierarchy.
             Many of the paths described here can be queried with the systemd-
             path(1) tool.
                 The file system root. Usually writable, but this is not required.
                 Possibly a temporary file system ("tmpfs"). Not shared with other
                 hosts (unless read-only).
                 The boot partition used for bringing up the system. On EFI systems,
                 this is possibly the EFI System Partition (ESP), also see systemd-
                 gpt-auto-generator(8). This directory is usually strictly local to
                 the host, and should be considered read-only, except when a new
    3. You can navigate through and read the rest of the manual page using the up/down arrow keys on your keyboard to move one line at a time or the Page Up/Page Down keys to move a full screen at a time up and down. There are also ways to search through a manual page and do more complex navigation of the page which you can get information on by pressing the h key on your keyboard (press q to return to the manual page).

      You cannot use your mouse or the scroll bars on an SSH window to navigate through a manual page.
    4. Take a few minutes to read through and familiarize yourself with the Linux File system hierarchy overview manual page.

    5. When you are finished looking at the manual page press the q key on your keyboard to return to the command line of your server.

  2. Check your current working directory

    1. Anytime you are at a command prompt in Linux you are working from some location in the filesystem hierarchy, this is called your current working directory (abbreviated sometimes as cwd). You can see what your current working directory is using the pwd command which stands for "print working directory". In this case "print" means to print to the screen (not to a printer).

    2. Run the pwd command like this:

      ben@2480-Z:~$ pwd
    3. In the example above you can see that my present location in the filesystem hierarchy is /home/ben or, in other words, the "ben" directory inside of the "home" directory inside of the root directory. You should see something similar but with your own username in place of ben.

  3. Get a list of the contents of the current working directory in both short and long formats showing and not-showing hidden files

    1. The ls command is used to list the files in a directory you can find out more about the ls command by reading it’s manual page with man ls. Remember that the q key will exit out of a manual page and return you to the command line.

    2. Run the ls command to get a basic listing of the contents of the current directory:

      ben@2480-Z:~$ ls
    3. So, it looks like there is nothing in our home directory, but is that really true? Like most operating systems files and directories can be "hidden" in Linux. This is not a security measure, but just a way to keep some files out of the way and prevent them from cluttering up directory listings. In Linux any file or directory starting with a period is a hidden file or directory that does not show up in regular directory listings.

    4. Try running the ls -a command which will show you hidden files and directories too:

      ben@2480-Z:~$ ls -a
      .   .bash_history  .bashrc   .profile
      ..  .bash_logout   .lesshst  .sudo_as_admin_successful
    5. Now you can see that there are in fact some files or directories inside of your home directory. Let’s get a "long" listing instead of a regular listing to get some more details about them:

      ben@2480-Z:~$ ls -al
      total 28
      drwx------ 2 ben  ben  4096 Mar 13 20:27 .
      drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar  8 16:38 ..
      -rw------- 1 ben  ben    56 Mar 12 14:38 .bash_history
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben   220 Mar  8 16:38 .bash_logout
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben  3526 Mar  8 16:38 .bashrc
      -rw------- 1 ben  ben    20 Mar 13 20:27 .lesshst
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben   807 Mar  8 16:38 .profile
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben     0 Mar  8 16:44 .sudo_as_admin_successful
    6. That’s more like it! This listing gives lots of useful information including the permissions that are set on the file, the owner of the file, the group that owns the file, the size of the file, and the last time it was modified. We’ll explore permissions and ownership of files and directories later in the course.

    7. For now it is helpful to know that the first character on each line indicates if the item is a file or directory. A file starts with a - and a directory starts with a d. So, if you see the a first column that looks like drwx------ or drwxr-xr-x you know it is a directory, but if you see a first column that looks like -rw-r—​r-- or -rw-r—​r-- you know it is a file. Don’t worry about all the r, w, and x letters or dashes occuring after the first position, those are information about the permissions. It’s just the first position that indicates whether it is a directory or file.

Basic File Operations in Linux

  1. Create a new directory named sample-files in your user’s home directory with the mkdir command and verify it exists with the ls -al like this:

    ben@2480-Z:~$ mkdir sample-files
    ben@2480-Z:~$ ls -al
    total 32
    drwx------ 3 ben  ben  4096 Mar 13 20:45 .
    drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Mar  8 16:38 ..
    -rw------- 1 ben  ben    56 Mar 12 14:38 .bash_history
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben   220 Mar  8 16:38 .bash_logout
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben  3526 Mar  8 16:38 .bashrc
    -rw------- 1 ben  ben    20 Mar 13 20:27 .lesshst
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben   807 Mar  8 16:38 .profile
    drwxr-xr-x 2 ben  ben  4096 Mar 13 20:45 sample-files
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben     0 Mar  8 16:44 .sudo_as_admin_successful
    It is possible to have files and directories with spaces in the names on Linux. However, it is very inconvenient to work with spaces in names on the command line because a space in a command line usually indicates you are moving on to a different part of the command. Instead of spaces it is common to put dashes between words in a file or directory name like we did with sample-files.
  2. Download the shakespeare.tar.gz file from the Internet to your user’s home directory.

    1. We can use the wget command to download a file from a website like:

      ben@2480-Z:~$ wget
      --2024-03-13 20:51:25--
      Resolving (,,, ...
      Connecting to (||:443... connected.
      HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
      Length: 2061602 (2.0M) [application/gzip]
      Saving to: ‘shakespeare.tar.gz’
      shakespeare.tar.gz   100%[===================>]   1.97M  --.-KB/s    in 0.05s
      2024-03-13 20:51:26 (38.6 MB/s) - ‘shakespeare.tar.gz’ saved [2061602/2061602]
    2. Check that the shakespeare.tar.gz file exists:

      ben@2480-Z:~$ ls -al
      total 2048
      drwx------ 3 ben  ben     4096 Mar 13 20:51 .
      drwxr-xr-x 3 root root    4096 Mar  8 16:38 ..
      -rw------- 1 ben  ben       56 Mar 12 14:38 .bash_history
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben      220 Mar  8 16:38 .bash_logout
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben     3526 Mar  8 16:38 .bashrc
      -rw------- 1 ben  ben       20 Mar 13 20:27 .lesshst
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben      807 Mar  8 16:38 .profile
      drwxr-xr-x 2 ben  ben     4096 Mar 13 20:45 sample-files
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben  2061602 Mar 13 17:16 shakespeare.tar.gz
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben  ben        0 Mar  8 16:44 .sudo_as_admin_successful
  3. Copy the shakespeare.tar.gz file into the sample-files directory using the cp command:

    ben@2480-Z:~$ cp shakespeare.tar.gz sample-files/
    The / on the end of the command which indicates we want to place the file into a subdirectory and not make a new copy of the file in the same directory but with a different name.
    Pay attention to case, Linux is a case sensitive operating system. You can actually have two different files in the same directory, one called Shakespeare.tar.gz and one called shakespeare.tar.gz
  4. Change your working directory to the sample-files directory with the cd (change directory) command.

    ben@2480-Z:~$ cd sample-files/
  5. Copy the shakespeare.tar.gz file from the current directory into the sample-files directory using the cp (copy) command.

  6. Verify your directory change using the print working directory command

  7. Verify the file has been copied by using the ls -al command inside the sample-files directory.

    ben@2480-Z:~$ cd sample-files/
    ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ pwd
    ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ ls -al
    total 2024
    drwxr-xr-x 2 ben ben    4096 Mar 13 20:55 .
    drwx------ 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 13 20:51 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ben ben 2061602 Mar 13 20:55 shakespeare.tar.gz
    Above we clearly explained how to check your work by making sure you had entered the sample-files directory and that the shakespeare.tar.gz had been copied into that directory. You should always be double checking your work when you do things to make sure they were done correctly. However, in the future it will not always be the case that you will receive specific instructions as to how to check your work. It is assumed that you can figure out on your own based on previously taught commands and skills how to check that the thing you just did worked correctly. If you are unsure about how to check your work for correctness yourself please talk to your instructor about it.
  8. Delete (remove) the shakespeare.tar.gz file from the current directory by using the rm (remove) command. Remember to check your work, think about how you can be sure the file is gone!

    ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ rm shakespeare.tar.gz
  9. Change your directory back to your user’s home directory (you want to go one level above the sample-files subdirectory you’re currently in).

    1. There are many ways to do this. You may have seen the .. "direcotry" in the ls -al file listing. It’s not really a directory but a common and useful command line "shortcut" to move one directory up in the filesystem hierarchy which can be used as part of most paths on the command line so cd .. will change your working directory up one level. In this case that would put you in your home directory because you are currently one level below your home directory.

    2. Other ways to do this would include giving the "full path" to your home directory (from the root, so starting with a /) like cd /home/ben or using the shortcut to the current user’s home directory which is a ~ (tilde) like cd ~. Both of these would work regardelss of what directory you are currently in on the system.

  10. This time we want to move the shakespeare.tar.gz file into the sample-files directory instead of copying it. Do this with the mv (move) command.

    ben@2480-Z:~$ mv shakespeare.tar.gz sample-files/
    1. Again, note the / on the end of sample-files/ indicating we want to put it in a directory named sample-files instead of renaming shakespeare.tar.gz to a file called sample-files.

  11. Just a reminder to verify the shakespeare.tar.gz file is no longer in your home directory and then change your working directory to sample-files and verify that the file has been moved there.

  12. The .tar.gz type files are sometimes called a "tarball" and they are a common way to distribute files on NIX (UNIX/Linux/BSD/POSIX) based systems. These files really have two parts. The first is a TAR file which is a way to pack multiple files and directories into a single file for archival an distribution purposes but does not compress the file in any way, the size will be essentially the same as if you added together all of the files it contains. After the files are put into a TAR file they can be compressed with the *gzip program so we add the .gz extension to the filename to indicate this TAR file has been compressed. Other compression programs such as bzip2 can also be used, in that case it would be a .tar.bz2 file. Because TAR files are so frequently gzipped to compress them the command to compress or uncompress a file as been added to the TAR program itself so we don’t need to go through two steps. In this case we can uncompress and extract the files using the tar -zxf shakespeare.tar.gz command or to see the list of files as they are extracted we can add the -v argument to the command to make the output verbose (print more information) like tar -zxvf shakespeare.tar.gz

  13. Run the command to extract and uncompress the shakespeare.tar.gz file. Remember to verify that this was done correctly!

  14. If you check the contents of your sample files directory again you will see that there is a new subdirctory inside it. It’s common and good practice to always include the files in a TAR in their own subdirectory before packing them into the TAR so that when they are extracted they don’t clutter the current working directory or accidentally overwrite a file already in the current working directory with one being extracted from the TAR file.

    ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ tar -zxvf shakespeare.tar.gz
    Shakespeare/2 King Henry VI.txt
    Shakespeare/Richard III.txt
    Shakespeare/Midsummer's Night's Dream.txt
    Shakespeare/Romeo and Juliet.txt
    Shakespeare/The Merchant of Venice.txt
    Shakespeare/Richard II.txt
    Shakespeare/Pericles Prince of Tyre.txt
    Shakespeare/Venus and Adonis.txt
    Shakespeare/Antony and Cleopatra.txt
    Shakespeare/King Henry VIII.txt
    Shakespeare/Twelfth Night.txt
    Shakespeare/The Taming of the Shrew.txt
    Shakespeare/King Henry V.txt
    Shakespeare/Measure for Measure.txt
    Shakespeare/The Tempest.txt
    Shakespeare/Various Poems.txt
    Shakespeare/Titus Andronicus.txt
    Shakespeare/3 King Henry VI.txt
    Shakespeare/Timon of Athens.txt
    Shakespeare/King Lear.txt
    Shakespeare/1 King Henry VI.txt
    Shakespeare/Julius Ceasar.txt
    Shakespeare/The Winter's Tale.txt
    Shakespeare/The Two Gentlemen of Verona.txt
    Shakespeare/The Merry Wives of Windsor.txt
    Shakespeare/The Comedy of Errors.txt
    Shakespeare/Troilus and Cressida.txt
    Shakespeare/A Lovers Complaint.txt
    Shakespeare/The Rape of Lucrece.txt
    Shakespeare/As You Like It.txt
    Shakespeare/All's Well That Ends Well.txt
    Shakespeare/King John.txt
    Shakespeare/1 King Henry iv.txt
    Shakespeare/2 King Henry IV.txt
    Shakespeare/Much Ado About Nothing.txt
    Shakespeare/Loves Labour's Lost.txt
    ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ ls -al
    total 2028
    drwxr-xr-x 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 16:01 .
    drwx------ 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 15:54 ..
    drwxr-xr-x 2 ben ben    4096 Nov  4  2004 Shakespeare
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ben ben 2061602 Mar 13 17:16 shakespeare.tar.gz
  15. Enter the new Shakespeare subdirectory inside sample-files and list the contents.

    Recall that file names and paths in Linux are case sensitive!
  16. Try deleting (removing) one of the text files.

    You might encounter an error if the filename includes a space. As we mentioned before, although spaces are allowed in filenames on Linux, it’s not recommended because you will need to either quote or escape filenames in some way in order to work with the files. For example if you wanted to remove a file called a file with spaces.txt you would either need to enter the command as rm "a file with spaces.txt" (with the quotes) or as rm a\ file\ with\ spaces.txt where the backslash character is used to "escape" the special characters in the filename (in this case spaces, but other characters, like exclamation points, are special as well). Make sure you can remove a file with spaces in the name.
  17. Let’s now say that we want to delete the entire Shakespeare directory.

    1. Start by moving up one directory (back to sample-files).

    2. Try using the same rm command we used to delete a file.

      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ rm Shakespeare/
      rm: cannot remove 'Shakespeare/': Is a directory
    3. Note the error message that rm doesn’t seem to be the right tool for this. rm is designed for removing files, not directories.

    4. Try using the rmdir (remove directory) command instead

      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ rmdir Shakespeare/
      rmdir: failed to remove 'Shakespeare/': Directory not empty
    5. Linux sure seems to be picky, rmdir won’t delete the directory unless it is empty first! On second thought we wouldn’t accidentally want to delete a directory full of files so maybe that’s a good idea. We certainly could go back into the Shakespeare directory and remove all the files first and then remove the directory. Doing that one at a time would be pretty tedius though so there is another shortcut which allows us to do something to all of the files in a directory. The * (asterisk) is called a wildcard and can be used to do something to every file in a directory. So, we could get rid of the Shakespeare directory like this (but wait don’t do it yet, there is another way!):

      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ ls -al
      total 2028
      drwxr-xr-x 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 16:01 .
      drwx------ 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 15:54 ..
      drwxr-xr-x 2 ben ben    4096 Nov  4  2004 Shakespeare
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben ben 2061602 Mar 13 17:16 shakespeare.tar.gz
      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ cd Shakespeare/
      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files/Shakespeare$ rm *
      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files/Shakespeare$ ls -al
      total 8
      drwxr-xr-x 2 ben ben 4096 Mar 18 16:14 .
      drwxr-xr-x 3 ben ben 4096 Mar 18 16:01 ..
      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files/Shakespeare$ cd ..
      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ rmdir Shakespeare/
      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ ls -al
      total 2024
      drwxr-xr-x 2 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 16:15 .
      drwx------ 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 15:54 ..
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben ben 2061602 Mar 13 17:16 shakespeare.tar.gz
    6. The biggest problem with this method is what if there are many layers of subdirectories inside of the Shakespeare directory. Using this method we would have to go through all the directories and remove all the files followed be each level of directory until we got up to removing the Shakespeare directory. That has the potential to be a lot of work, so there must be another way!

    7. Linux has a powerful (but obviously dangerous) command, the "recursive remove" command, which removes a directory as well as all of the files and subdirectories it contains. You must be careful with this command because, used incorrectly, you could obviously delete everything on your hard drive with a single command. We want to remove the Shakespeare directory and everything it contains so we can use the rm -r Shakespeare/ command like this:

      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ ls -al
      total 2028
      drwxr-xr-x 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 16:18 .
      drwx------ 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 15:54 ..
      drwxr-xr-x 2 ben ben    4096 Nov  4  2004 Shakespeare
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben ben 2061602 Mar 13 17:16 shakespeare.tar.gz
      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ rm -r Shakespeare/
      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ ls -al
      total 2024
      drwxr-xr-x 2 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 16:18 .
      drwx------ 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 15:54 ..
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben ben 2061602 Mar 13 17:16 shakespeare.tar.gz
    8. If you didn’t run that command yet do the recursive remove now and remove the Shakespeare directory.

  18. After you verify the Shakespeare directory is gone run the command to extract the shakespeare.tar.gz one more time.

  19. Change the name of the Shakespeare directory to begin with a lower case s instead of an upper case S.

    1. There is no "rename" command in Linux. Instead we just use the move command and move the file or directory from the old name to a new name. In this case that would look like mv Shakespeare/ shakespeare/

  20. Create a new file named test-file in the sample-files directory

    1. It is often the case that there are multiple uses for a command. One such command on Linux is the touch command. If you read the manual page for touch you will see that it is really designed to "change file timestamps", in other words to set the last modified time of a file to be the current time. In fact, this is why it is called touch in the first place, because it just "touches" the file which changes the last modified date.

    2. However, it would be a mistake to think this is the most common use for the touch command. You see, when you use the touch command to try and update the timestamp on a file which does not actually exist yet touch will create a new empty file with that name. So, the most common use of touch is actually to create new empty files.

    3. Try creating a new file named test-file using the touch command and verify that it now exists like:

      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ ls -al
      total 2024
      drwxr-xr-x 2 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 16:18 .
      drwx------ 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 16:37 ..
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben ben 2061602 Mar 13 17:16 shakespeare.tar.gz
      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ touch test-file
      ben@2480-Z:~/sample-files$ ls -al
      total 2024
      drwxr-xr-x 2 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 16:38 .
      drwx------ 3 ben ben    4096 Mar 18 16:37 ..
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben ben 2061602 Mar 13 17:16 shakespeare.tar.gz
      -rw-r--r-- 1 ben ben       0 Mar 18 16:38 test-file
    4. Note that the new file has a timestamp which matches the current date and time and also that it has a size of 0 because it is an empty file.

  21. Create three more new files named test-file2, test-file3, and test-file4 in the sample-files directory

Creating Archived/Compressed Files

  1. We have already used tar to extract a .tar.gz file, but it can also be used to create .tar files or .tar.gz compressed files. This is common if you want to backup a collection of files that you want to send to someone else, move to another machine, or simply store as a backup file.

  2. tar is one of the more complex commands that we have worked with so far and has a lot of features. We’ll just be exploring the basics but if you get stuck or have any problems understanding why tar is functioning in a certain way you can find a number of introductory tutorials like this one about using tar on the Internet by searching for them.

  3. Create a new directory named archive-experiments in your home directory.

    1. Remember you may not be in your home directory right now (remember how to check your working directory).

    2. If you are not working in your home directory and you just use mkdir archive-experiments the archive-experiments directory will get created inside of the current working directory and not your home directory!

    3. Solutions to this could involve changing your working directory to your home directory first or you could provide a full path to the directory you want to create like mkdir /home/ben/archive-experiments or even use the ~ (tilde) shortcut to your logged in user’s home directory like mkdir ~/archive-experiments

  4. Create a GZipped TAR file of everything in your sample-files directory called and save it to the archive-experiments directory in your home directory by first changing your working directory to the sample-files directory and then using the command tar -czvf ~/archive-experiments/ *

    1. As we mentioned before the * (asterisk) is called a wildcard and can be used to do something to every file in a directory. In this case we’re asking TAR to include every file in the current working directory in the ~/archive-experiments/ file.

      You might think that if you didn’t want to change into the sample-files directory you could specify that as a full path to the TAR program as well by using a command like tar -czvf ~/archive-experiments/samplebackup1.tar.gz ~/sample-files/* but that would actually have unintended consequences. When you run TAR with a full path like that it will store the location of every file and when you unpack the files they will go back to their original locaiton (unless you are careful about how you unpack them).

      This may be what you actually want if you are backing up something you intend to restore to the same location but this is probably not what you are doing most of the time. Instead you want to bumndle up files to send to someone else or to another system. In that case you usually want to unpack files into the current working directory and not to whatever the original file location was. There are a few ways to do this but the simplest is to change your working directory to the location containing the files you want to include before creating the tar file.

  5. Change your working directory to the archive-experiments directory in your home directory.

  6. Try extracting the files in samplebackup1.tar.gz into your archive-experiments directory, show a list of files as they are extracted (verbose).

  7. Check the contents of your archive-experiments directory.

    1. What happened? What kind of mess could this make when you extract a TAR file that contined hundreds of files when it was created this way?

  8. Delete all files and subdirectories from inside the archive-experiments directory.

  9. Try again to create a GZipped TAR file of everything in your sample-files directory called samplebackup2.tar.gz and save it to the archive-experiments directory in your home directory. This time specify a full path for both the tar file to create in the archive-experiments directory and the sample-files directory like tar -czvf ~/archive-experiments/samplebackup2.tar.gz ~/sample-files

    1. You may be wondering why we did not put a slash after ~/sample-files as you might expect for a directory (e.g. ~/sample-files/). In some older versions of TAR putting a slash on the end meant to put the files from that directory into the file but not the directory itself (just like when we created logbackup1.tar.gz with the asterisk wildcard). By leaving the slash off the end we are telling TAR to put the log directory,as well as it’s contents, into the TAR file so that when we extract it we will get a log directory made with the files going into it. Even though new versions of TAR automatically prevent you from creating TAR files without a directory path it is still best practice to make sure that you are including a directory as part of the TAR file.

  10. Try extracting the files from samplebackup2.tar.gz into your archive-experiments directory, show a list of files as they are extracted (verbose).

  11. Check the contents of your archive-experiments directory.

    1. What happened? If you extracted a tar file made this way you could potentially end up with several more levels of directories than you really want. In this case we got an extra var directory inside of experiments but if we were archiving something with a deeper path we would have even more extra subdirectories. You can actually see this during the tar file creation if you have verbose output enabled you saw that all the files being added to the tar had var/log/ in front of the filename. There are at least two ways to handle this which we will look at.

  12. Delete all files and subdirectories from inside the archive-experiments directory.

  13. What we really want to do is to create a tar file of everthing inside of the sample-files directory which, when we unpack it, will create a new sample-files directory inside of the current working directory where we’re unpacking. There are at least two ways to accomplish this.

    1. The first way, and probably the easiest to remember is to just change our working directory to one level above the directory we want to archive and create the archive like this:

      ben@2480-Z:~/archive-experiments$ cd ~
      ben@2480-Z:~$ tar -czvf archive-experiments/samplebackup3.tar.gz sample-files
      sample-files/shakespeare/All's Well That Ends Well.txt
      sample-files/shakespeare/3 King Henry VI.txt
      [...OUTPUT OMITTED...]
      sample-files/shakespeare/The Winter's Tale.txt
      sample-files/shakespeare/The Comedy of Errors.txt
    2. You can see in the verbose output from the tar command that all of the lines indicating the files being saved into the archive just begin with sample-files/ (a relative path) compare that with the output we got from the ways we were running tar before:

      ben@2480-Z:~$ tar -czvf ~/archive-experiments/samplebackup2.tar.gz ~/sample-files
      tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
      /home/ben/sample-files/shakespeare/All's Well That Ends Well.txt
      /home/ben/sample-files/shakespeare/3 King Henry VI.txt
      [...OUTPUT OMITTED...]
      /home/ben/sample-files/shakespeare/The Winter's Tale.txt
      /home/ben/sample-files/shakespeare/The Comedy of Errors.txt
    3. In that output from one of the ways we previously ran the tar command you can see each file is listed with the full path (/home/ben/sample-files/) in fact, on the first line there is a warning tar: Removing leading `/' from member names so they are actually being stored as home/ben/sample-files/ which is exactly how they unpacked (a new home/ben/sample-files directory was created inside of our archive-experiments directory) ! So you can see when you create the tar file exactly how the files will be unpacked.

    4. The second way to create the tar file to work the way we want (in case we don’t want to change our working directory ourselves) is to run a tar command with the -C <directory> option. This will have tar temporarily change the working directory itself. Doing things this way would look like:

      ben@2480-Z:~/archive-experiments$ tar -czvf samplebackup4.tar.gz -C /home/ben sample-files
      sample-files/shakespeare/All's Well That Ends Well.txt
      sample-files/shakespeare/3 King Henry VI.txt
      [...OUTPUT OMITTED...]
      sample-files/shakespeare/The Winter's Tale.txt
      sample-files/shakespeare/The Comedy of Errors.txt
    5. You can see in the output above that the files are being included in the archive file in the same way as they were when we changed our working directory to the parent directory (/home/ben) of the one we wanted to archive first but we could just have tar do it for us.

  14. If you haven’t created a tar file in the way we really wanted to (as shown with samplebackup3.tar.gz or samplebackup4.tar.gz above) do so now.

  15. Switch back to your archive-experiments directory and then try extracting the files from samplebackup3.tar.gz or samplebackup4.tar.gz. This time do not show a list of files as they are extracted (not verbose).

  16. Check the contents of your archive-experiments directory. This time you should again see that there is just one new subdirectory named sample-files and all of the files are neatly placed inside of it. This is normally what you’re looking for with tar files.

    If you get a tar file from the Internet or just don’t remember how you might have created it you can actually check how the files in it are stored without extracting them using the -t option (instead of the -x option) for tar like this:

    ben@2480-Z:~/archive-experiments$ tar -tzvf samplebackup4.tar.gz
    drwxr-xr-x ben/ben           0 2024-03-20 16:37 sample-files/
    -rw-r--r-- ben/ben     2061602 2024-03-13 17:16 sample-files/shakespeare.tar.gz
    -rw-r--r-- ben/ben           0 2024-03-20 16:37 sample-files/test-file4
    drwxr-xr-x ben/ben           0 2004-11-04 17:41 sample-files/shakespeare/
    -rw-r--r-- ben/ben      135369 1997-09-01 10:22 sample-files/shakespeare/All's Well That Ends Well.txt
    -rw-r--r-- ben/ben      148210 1997-09-01 11:17 sample-files/shakespeare/3 King Henry VI.txt
    [...OUTPUT OMITTED...]
    -rw-r--r-- ben/ben      145794 1997-09-01 11:13 sample-files/shakespeare/The Winter's Tale.txt
    -rw-r--r-- ben/ben       89525 1997-09-01 10:31 sample-files/shakespeare/The Comedy of Errors.txt
    -rw-r--r-- ben/ben           0 2024-03-20 16:37 sample-files/test-file2
    -rw-r--r-- ben/ben           0 2024-03-20 16:37 sample-files/test-file3
    -rw-r--r-- ben/ben           0 2024-03-18 16:38 sample-files/test-file
  17. There are a number of other things you can do with tar such as creating slower but more highly compressed .bz2 bzip files (using the -j option instead of -z), extracting single files (or directories or groups of files) from an archive, adding files to an existing archive, and preserving file ownership (only by extracting on the same system though) and permissions. You should read the manual page for tar and then try practicing some of these and be familiar with the many ways that tar can be used.

Wrapping Up

  1. Close the SSH session

    1. Type exit to close the connection while leaving your Linux server VM running.

  2. If you are using the Administrative PC in Netlab instead of your own computer as the administrative computer you should also shut down that system in the usual way each time you are done with the Netlab system and then end your Netlab Reservation. You should do these steps each time you finish using the adminsitrative PC in future labs as well.

You can keep your Linux Server running from this point on, you do not need to shut it down.

Document Build Time: 2025-02-20 22:08:24 UTC
Page Version: 2024.01
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