Certification Information

Vouchers and Discounts

Cisco Academy Voucher Information

Discount vouchers are available from the Cisco Networking Academy to allow qualified Networking Academy students to take certain Cisco certification exams at a reduced cost after completing specific courses. You must request and use your voucher by certain dates after you take your final exam, see the Netacad Discount Process FAQ for details.

If you meet the voucher eligibility requirements (see below) you will qualify for a discount voucher which can be used for your exam. Discount vouchers can only be used once! Once you request the voucher no one can make changes to it or stop it from being issued. Make sure your Netacad profile information is correct before requesting a voucher (see below). No exchanges or refunds are available. When you become eligible for a certification exam discount voucher, a Request Voucher link will appear on the Learn tab on your Cisco NetSpace home page. It may take up to three days for the link to appear after your course instructor has passed you in the grade book. You are not eligible if the link does not appear.

Discount Vouchers are Available After Completing These Courses:

  • ITC 2536 — CCNAv7 Enterprise Networking, Security, and Automation — CCNA Certification Exam

    • Note that this course ends mid-semester at Inver Hills. Be sure to pay attention to the dates vounchers must be requested and used by!

    • You must achieve 70% or higher on first attempt of final exam and be marked as complete by your instructor in the gradebook

  • ITC 2810 — CyberOps Associate — CyberOps Associate (CBROPS)

    • You must achieve 70% or higher on first attempt of final exam and be marked as complete by your instructor in the gradebook

  • ITC 2320 — DevNet Associate — (DEVASC)

    • You must achieve 70% or higher on first attempt of final exam and be marked as complete by your instructor in the gradebook

It is strongly suggested you read the Netacad Discount Process FAQ before requesting a discount voucher.

Discounts are country-specific and are not interchangeable. Vouchers are non-transferable and are valid for three months following the date of your qualifying course final exam. Individuals who use any unauthorized discount or promotional code may have their exam results invalidated and risk a lifetime ban on all future exams and the nullification of all previous certifications. Cisco will not replace any voucher that is found to be fraudulent or used.

Before requesting a voucher

Before beginning the discount request process, please check your NetAcad profile for accuracy (see below). Click your name in the top navigation bar and select “My Profile”. Make any needed updates.

  • Your name matches your legal identification

    • If you already have a CSCO account, make sure the name in your NetAcad account matches so a duplicate account is not created

  • Email address is correct

    • It is critical your email address be an account you will have access to until after you take your certification exam, since this is how exam details are communicated to you

  • Recovery number is added

    • This is used in the discount request process and must be input in order to begin the process

CompTIA A+ Voucher Information

Discounted vouchers for the CompTIA A+ certification can be purchased by ITC students through the CompTIA A+ Academic Discount Voucher Program This will require an EDU email address. Remember you need to pass two different exams to earn the CompTIA A+ certification so you will need to purchase two vouchers. When registering for your exam you can enter in your voucher ID as the payment option and it will cover the price of the exam even though the voucher was less expensive than the normal exam rate.

Certification Transcripts

In order to receive credit for courses (or for employers) you may be required to produce a certification transcript. Follow the instructions below depending on your specific certification program.

Cisco Transcripts

  1. Login to the Cisco Certification Tracker website

  2. Once logged in click the "Transcripts" link at the top right of the page.

  3. Click the "Create New Transcript" link

  4. Make sure the "Display Certs" and "Show Cert Dates" boxes are both checked (they should be by default)

    • If you are receiving credit for an exam that is not a certification itself you will also need to check the "Display exams" and "If displaying exams, show exam dates" boxes.

  5. Set the "Expires after" date to at least 3 months from now

  6. Make sure all of the certifications and/or exams you want to include on your transcript are checked.

  7. Click the "Update/Confirm" button at the bottom of the page

  8. Your transcript should now be listed in the transcript window of the site. Click the "View" link next to your transcript.

  9. Check your transcript to make sure it is accurate and has your certifications and/or exams listed.

  10. Copy the URL of your transcript from the browser bar. It should look something like: https://www.certmetrics.com/cisco/public/transcript.aspx?transcript=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  11. Email that URL link to whoever needs to verify your certification.

CompTIA Transcripts

  1. Go to the CompTIA website

  2. Click the "Login" button in the upper right corner

  3. Click the red "Certification Login" button on the left side of the page. This will take you to the CompTIA Certmetrics Login Page

  4. If you already have a CompTIA SSO account login with your email address and password

    • If you have not already created a CompTIA SSO account then click the "Sign up now" button under the login form and create an account.

    • If you have an older CompTIA Certmetrics account you will need to follow the "reset your password" link on the site to create a new CompTIA SSO account.

  5. Once logged in click the "Transcripts" link at the top of the page.

  6. Click the "Create a New Transcript" link

  7. Make sure the "Display Certs" and "Show Cert Dates" boxes are both checked (they should be by default)

  8. Set the "Can be viewed until" date to at least 3 months from now

  9. Make sure your certifications have check marks in the boxes next to them.

  10. Click the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page

  11. Your transcript should now be listed in the transcript window of the site. Click the "View" link next to your transcript.

  12. Check your transcript to make sure it is accurate and has your certification listed.

  13. Copy the URL of your transcript from the browser bar. It should look something like: https://www.certmetrics.com/comptia/public/transcript.aspx?transcript=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

  14. Email that URL link to whoever needs to verify your certification.

Microsoft Transcripts

  1. Go to the Microsoft Learn Certifications Page

  2. Click the Go to certification dashboard button

  3. Click on the "View Transcript" button in the "Transcript" section.

  4. Select the “Share” button.

  5. You will be shown a transcript ID and will need to create an access code for your transcript

  6. Selecting "Share" will generate a URL where someone can provide your transcript ID and access code to view it.

  7. Email the URL, the transcript ID, and the access code to whoever needs to verify your certification.

Document Build Time: 2025-02-27 03:31:35 UTC
Page Version: 2022.08
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